Dev Log #5 - New Animals & Plants

Pre Alpha Demo Launch

So let’s talk about everyone is interested about, “when can I try out this game?!” So currently I have a target date when I’ll be launching the free pre-alpha demo which will be available to download at ( So make sure you don’t forget this date to download your early copy of the Zoofarai Pre Alpha Demo on Sep 16th, 2024!

Shortly after the Pre-Alpha launch, there will be opportunities for you to join in the collaboration and development of Zoofari if you’re interested. You will be able to pitch in the direction the game development should go, to having animals being attributed to your name in the credits, to also being the owner of rare exotic animals! I can’t express how excited I am to share this game, feel free to reach out!

New Animals and Trees

While the initial testing has been going on, I’ve noticed that towards the beginning of the game there weren’t enough animals for the player to raise. Even though I know I won’t be able to develop all the animals that will be in the game for the Pre-Alpha Demo, I still felt like I should push myself to get a few more animals ready for the launch. I’m not much of an artist but I did my best to give two new animals from South America.

First I’d like to introduce the Galápagos tortoise! They are some of the largest tortoises in the world, native to the Galápagos Islands. These iconic creatures are known for their slow pace and long lifespans. Adaptations to their island environments have led to variations in having domed shells. The Galápagos tortoises play a vital role in their Zoofari!

The next animal from South America we’re bringing to Zoofari is the Capybara! They are the largest rodents in the world, native to South America. They are found next to water, such as lakes and swamps. With their large, barrel-shaped bodies, short legs, and webbed feet, they are well-adapted for swimming and wading. They are herbivores which eat grass and aquatic plants. They are super social fun loving animals that live in herds. These gentle giants are known for their docile nature and are often seen peacefully grazing alongside other animals, such as turtles!

Two new plant types I’m also introducing to the game are Bamboos and Acacia trees, they’ll both be available in the Pre-Alpha Demo. But their appearances might change to be better suited for Zoofari towards the full release of the game! Bamboos are popular because of how fast-growing they are and are native to Asia. 

While the Acacia is a large shrub/tree found in tropical and subtropical regions. Acacias are highly adaptable and can thrive in harsh conditions, including drought and poor soil.

Well, that's all we have for today, feel free to drop a note for any questions or comments! 

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