Dev Log #3 - Demo Preparation & Tutorial Revamp

Demo Launch Preparation

I've been working diligently this past week to prepare the game for Pre-Alpha Demo Launch. The current demo is ready to be launched by mid-September. I'm super excited to get a lot more opinions, thoughts and suggestions, but I've been going through the grueling process of bug identifying and fixing. 

I started with some initial playtests with a very small group of people, and we've found quite a lot of bugs and unintuitive features. Initial playtests did open my eyes to a lot of different issues, but none of them them are too hard that would delay the initial demo launch! 

Tutorial Revamp

After the initial playtesting, it was very obvious that the initial tutorial was more annoying than actually helpful. So I've decided to revamp many parts of the tutorial to make it more institutive. One thing that was really confusing was where to exactly place objects that the tutorial was asking. I've thought what better way than add some flickering objects while the tutorial was going on. 

Another part is I've removed many parts of the tutorial because it was just too complicated to understand to do in the beginning. There's a lot of items still pending for me to complete before we can launch out the demo, such as: 

  • Have some indicator to wait after making food and the tree
  • Replace food add a label
  • Make micro steps, maybe on the left side on how to complete a tutorial? 
  • Need more clear instructions on removing objects
  • Reduce the size of the menu when there’s a tutorial

There's a lot of work pending to be completed, so we're just gonna have to keep pressing forward! 

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